Buy domain
Note: this lets you own the domain name. You can point it whereever you want (read the non-free sections for explanation) but simply buying it doesn't give you a webpage or space anywhere to put stuff. Just the name.
You can buy a domain through Google/Blogger ($10/yr) but I've never done it. The video explaining how is here.
Instructions for buying from GoDaddy ($10.19/yr: $9.99 + 0.20):
I can't do step by step here without spending money but I'll do my best to make it followable. GoDaddy ( is a good place to get a domain name but their cluttered site can be a bit overwhelming.
- Start with the textbox in the middle of the page that says Start your domain search here. Type in your desired domain (no spaces) without the .com, .net, etc. Choose that part from the drop-down menu.
- When you find one that you want which is available, look toward the bottom-ish of the page and click for the red/orange button Proceed to Checkout.
- Click No thanks. Continue to checkout...
- Fill out the form. Continue
- Continue again
- In section 1, make sure the registration length is set for the number of years for which you want to buy. It may default to higher.
- When you get to the Secure Checkout page pay attention to section 3. They automatically opt you in for emails you likely don't want. Adjust these settings to your preference. Also note your login id number. They give you a user number to use rather than letting your choose a name. This number is your username for GoDaddy
- Congratulations! You own your own nifty domain name
Another thing you may want to do is check your auto-renew settings. If you set it to auto-renew, then you will automatically be charged for another year when this one expires (or another 2 if you're on a 2 yr contract, etc.). If it's not set to auto-renew, then if you don't buy more time when your time comes near an end, you'll lose the domain name and someone else will likely buy it.
- Log in to GoDaddy. Mouse-over the Domains tab at the top and click on My Domains
- Click your domain name
- One of the stats listed is Auto Renew. If it's not set how you want it, click Change
For some of the things you can do with your domain, check out the links on the right.